A todos nos gustaría que nuestros procesos migratorios fueran fáciles y sin complicación alguna. Desafortunadamente, a menudo vemos casos en donde el solicitante ha estado en el lugar equivocado al momento equivocado y termina con arrestos o cargos que pueden afectar...

Year: 2021
Estatus Especial para Jóvenes Inmigrantes (SIJS)
Algunos niños que están aquí en los Estados Unidos sin estatus legal migratorio pueden recibir protección humanitaria porque han sido abusados, abandonados, o descuidados por parte de un padre. El Estatus Especial para Jóvenes Inmigrantes es una clasificación...
Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS)
Some children who are here in the United States without legal immigration status may need humanitarian protection because sadly they have been abused, abandoned, or neglected by a parent. Special immigrant juvenile status is an immigration classification that may...
The Three or Ten Year Bar
Have you heard about the three or ten year bar? The majority of people who are doing an immigration process have heard this phrase and have been surprised to discover that perhaps this bar applies to them. The concept is very simple. When a person enters the United...
What are the benefits of becoming a United States Citizen?
Have you ever considered becoming a United States citizen? Many people qualify to become a citizen, but they tend to wait a long time to send their application. It may be due to laziness or because they have some doubts they have yet to resolve. More often than I...